Sunday, 25 December 2011

Powerhouse Vegan: Robert Cheeke

Perhaps the biggest misconception regarding the Vegan diet is that it is impossible to gain and maintain muscle mass. 
This is all apart of the perpetual and worsening state of the "Health Washing" our society is so deeply rooted within. 
We are so quick to cry "Conspiracy" when it comes to ALL Government run programs, policies and initiatives where as when it comes to the MOST important aspects of our daily lives, Health & Nutrition, we hold that same Government on a pedestal. 
Faux/ fake foods that claim to be buzz words like "Healthy, Natural, Pure" and similar, are being approved by our Government officials on a regular basis.

North Americans are sicker now, more dependent on prescription drugs and spend far greater on health care than any other society in the world!

Many Organizations, Physicians, Educators, Researchers and Health-minded individuals are coming together to extinguish the burning myths behind the benefits of the typical S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) .
Countless books, documentaries, editorials and studies have been released in support of the concept of an entirely Plant-based or Vegan diet. 
One author in particular, Robert Cheeke, is the perfect example of the potential change body mass one can achieve while strength training on a Vegan diet. For over 16 years Robert has thrived on a plant-based diet, becoming one of the World's most recognizable Vegan athletes.

After competing professionally in a world full of carnivores and nay sayers, Robert founded the website:
Convinced he was one of very few like himself, Robert has since united thousands of organizations and individuals through the website and social networks.
The website is a respected source of accurate and current information as well as a forum for networking within the Vegan community. The site features many recognizable bodybuilding competitors who offer their advice on fitness programs, diet, recovery techniques, resources and motivation to help others achieve success.

I am honored to be involved with a FREE program currently being offered on the site titled 12 Days of Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness. The program was launched on December 20, 2011 as apart of a warm-up to those seeking to achieve a fitter, healthier body in the new year.

For 12 days participants are able to communicate directly with fitness & nutrition experts/mentors, have unlimited access to specially designed workout guides, diet suggestions and more. 
As motivation, during the 12 Days of Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness daily prizes are rewarded to both participants and mentors from many popular brands and organizations: Vega, Forks over Knives, Live Food Bar, Peta, Growing Naturals, VegCoach.comVegan Muscle and Fitness and of course to name a few.

Whether you currently consume a Vegan diet or are simply looking to gain a better understanding of the diet and lifestyle, refer to Robert Cheeke as a resource of boundless information regarding all things Vegan.

There are countless publications, documentaries and interviews featuring Robert, just enter his name in the Google search engine, see what comes up!!


  1. I bought his book and was disappointed at the kind of diet he had. I am glad to see that it has changed and he has adopted a more clean whole food diet. I enjoy your blog. I am trying to shed fat and add some lean muscle to my body so I am very interested in the lifestyle of other vegan athletes. I have been vegan for almost 2 yrs now. I would love to gain some of your wisdom. Thanks. :)

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read and follow my blog!
      Exchanging knowledge with each other is what it's all about :) I look forward to your comments in the future or if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
      Thanks again for following!

      Have a great weekend,
