Greens! Greens! Greens!
I'm HOOKED on green superfood supplement Greens+ O
It can be quite the challenge trying to consume the variety of greens needed to achieve optimal nutrition. Canadian company Genuine Health has been a leader in the research and development of nutritional supplements for 20 years.
There are countless benefits of introducing a supplement containing essential vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients into the daily diet.
Genuine Health recently launched a new product that I'm very excited about!
The same formula of high quality superfood supplement Greens+ has evolved into a new blend that is 80% organic, vegan and allergen free.
The product is offered in two flavors, original and acai & mango. Add Greens+ O to a cup of water or juice, shake it up and drink...
BOOM!! Your greens for the day have been consumed!
The best time to take Greens+ is in the morning, on an empty stomach, the nutrients are absorbed quicker and easier. However, if you prefer to consume with food or later in the afternoon, the effectiveness of the greens are the same, the body will feel a fantastic surge of energy!
Ingredients are 80% organic in the original flavor and 75% organic in the acai & mango flavor.
Spirulina is among the long list of power packed ingredients.
Spirulina is a sea vegetable, rich in an abundance of nutrients including amino acids, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids- omega3 & omega6, beta-carotene, vitamin E.
Dried Spirulina contains approximately 50-70% protein. It is a complete protein, containing all essential amino acids.
Other Superfoods include Chlorella, Chia, Broccoli, Red Beet Root, Brown Rice, and Flax Seed concentrate.
The blend is sweetened with natural stevia and evaporated coconut palm nectar. Like all Genuine Health products, formulas do not contain artificial flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, corn, dairy, eggs, gluten, yeast, or GMO.
Read serving sizes, as it is recommended to introduce the greens gradually, increasing daily dosage from 1 teaspoon in the first week, to two teaspoons the second week, then to the regular recommended 3 teaspoons per day.
Add the serving of greens to 1 cup of water or fresh juice, or blend with smoothies and protein shakes. I also use greens when preparing soups, the greens are a nice addition to the soup.
Once the soup is bowled, stir in a 3/4 teaspoon of greens.
Consuming whole foods that are rich in nutrients is essential to our health, quality supplements and dried organic foods can be an excellent addition. Check labels, know the source(s) of the product and understand all of the ingredients noted.
I feel very confident that Greens+ O is a clean, nutritious and healthy supplement.
I'm enjoying the energy boosts felt throughout the day! Hope you will too!