Monday, 16 January 2012

A TRUE HERO: Dr. Wangari Maathai

"Do What You Can!"

Dr.Wangari Maathai 1940-2011

Dr.Wangari Maathai was a Nobel Peace Prize winner, environmentalist, activist, professor and the principal founder of 
The Green Belt Movement

I continue to admire this GREAT woman and find her wisdom and generosity to be remarkable!
Dr.Maathai was the first African woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her profound work within communities of mostly women in Kenya. Her focus was on teaching Kenyan women how to plant trees and live from their own gardens. 
Thanks the her work over 45 million trees have been planted around Kenya! 
Today those trees continue to flourish and provide clean air for not only Kenyans but us ALL!

Among the above noted achievements, Dr.Maathai was a member of the board for several organizations including:
The Jane Goodall Institute
Women & Environment Development Organization (WEDO)
World Learning for International Development
The Green Cross

Please take 2 minutes and watch this very short analogy told by Dr.Maathai. 
This adorable animated story can be applied to all aspects of your life.  
Share with friends and children, it is appropriate for all ages and lifestyles.

By the way, in the video she was 63 years old!!
Talk about exuding youth!! Her skin is so beautiful.

An incredible example of what one person is capable of achieving through determination and the incredible desire to have an impact on our earth. 
Suffice it to say, the efforts of Dr.Mathaai will continue to grow and far out live ALL of our lifetimes.

For more information:
Click the Link: Dr.Wangari Mathaai Biography
Click the Link: The Green Belt Movement