When was the last time you thought:
"I'm going to clean my liver"??
If you are like most people, the answer is NEVER!
No need to worry, it is always a good time to give your liver some love and overdue attention!The Liver is the largest internal organ and a true powerhouse, as it performs over 500 functions in the human body.
Some of these functions include:
- Cleaning systems detoxify chemicals, drugs, alcohol, heavy metals and other toxic substances from the blood.
- Glycogen, our bodies back-up energy source is stored in the liver along with vital vitamins, minerals iron and many other crucial substances.
- Blood is filtered rapidly at a rate of over a liter per minute!
- Bile production takes place in the liver, this is needed to digest and absorb fats and fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
- Hormones, enzymes, blood proteins and immune factors are produced in the liver.
Clearly, the liver plays a crucial role in our overall health and bodily function. We need to take care of our liver so that it can take good care of our body!
Cleansing can be very simple or intense, depending on several factors.
Physical fitness & health, current diet & lifestyle as well as age, all play a role in results one may expect while cleansing.
There are many types of Cleanses, selecting the appropriate type and length is very individual.
The Cleanse can be as basic as eliminating stimulants & increasing water consumption for up to a week, or as extreme as juice fasting for several weeks.
Choosing what works for you is key, for beginners it is important to ease into the cleansing process.
The health benefits of completing a cleanse are well worth it, however during the cleanse it can feel uncomfortable at times, as the toxins are being eliminated. Again, the severity of these reactions depends on each individual.
Simple ways to boost liver function on a daily basis:
- Drink 1-2 liters of filtered water with fresh lemon juice
- Increase intake of Fiber
- Drink Green Tea or Milk Thistle Tea throughout the day
- Consume foods rich in antioxidants
- Consume adequate levels of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
- Get adequate rest on a nightly basis
- Eliminate stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine, substances such as nicotine and recreational drugs
- Introduce Probiotics into the diet through fermented foods or supplements
- Increase plant-based raw foods and decrease or eliminate animal foods and by products
- Increase physical activity, stretch, get the blood flowing throughout the body
- Consume organic foods whenever possible
- Breathe deeply, detoxifying through the lungs
- Take Vitamin D supplements (liquid is best, avoid indigestible ingredient magnesium stearate)
These are just a very small number of ways that we can avoid overload, and assist the liver in functioning at it's BEST!
If looking for a more intense liver cleanse, check local health food stores and ask the supplements specialist any questions you may have before starting. Many companies offer simple cleanse kits, guides and books. Do your research!
Raw food and Juice cleanses are excellent, allowing for the entire digestive system to cleanse also.
The key is to ease into any type of cleanse, it's not a quick fix or race!!
Your liver will only benefit, if the aid is introduced at a slow and steady pace. Shocking the body will have the opposite effect.
Be kind to yourself, every part of you will be grateful!
Live Food Bar
Raw Juice Guru
Be Nourished