Monday, 25 March 2013

SUPER Nutrient: Omega-3

What's the deal with Essential Fatty Acid Omega-3?

When a nutrient is preceded by the word "Essential" it simply means that we cannot produce this nutrient in the body, like we can produce Vitamin D from sunlight exposure for example. The nutrient must come from the diet.

A balanced diet includes good fats that are nutrient dense and easily converted into fuel. Avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, nut oils, avocado oils & seeds oils are rich in clean fats that offer the body many benefits.
For some people, it can be challenging to consume adequate levels of Omega-3 through seeds and nuts alone, supplementing in this case can be an excellent option.

Omega-6 is also essential, however present in many more foods and oils than Omega-3, therefore it is much easier to meet the recommended daily intake.

Omega-3 has many vital functions in the body:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Supports fat metabolism 
  • Improves immune system function
  • Reduces harmful cholesterol 
  • Supports emotional balance
  • Improves cardiovascular function
  • Balances skin color, tone and appearance
  • Adds shine and softness to hair
  • Maintains cell integrity
  • Supports healthy digestion
  • Plays a key role in cognition and concentration

Plant-based sources of Omega-3

Chia seeds
Hemp Hearts & Oil
Flax Seeds & Oil
Walnuts & Oil
Olive Oil
Winter Squash

The dietary recommendation is approximately 4g of Omega-3 daily. To help meet daily requirements, I choose foods that are rich sources of the Omega-3 and also supplement with Ascenta NutraVege
This product is AMAZING, highly recommend the brand! Top quality ingredients in every product.

Ascenta offers a wide selection of Omega-3 oils for every member of the family including children and pets! Surf their website for products and helpful information. 

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Great Article on Omega-3 function: Why you need Omega-3
Dog Lovers: Omega-3 for Dogs